ASC This Week, Dec 5 - 11, 2021

Mark Noetzel

December 5, 2021


Swim Families,

Here are some things that you should know about.

Swimmer Drop-Off & Parking

  • ALL FAMILIES - please only drop off in the parking lot and use either the baseball field or the field by the track sign (white gates - near the school entrance). HPA will continue to increase the number of activities, including the start of BIIF events in the gym and fields. It is important that ASC families allow for HPA  students and parents to have access to park their vehicles and pick up until after 5:30 pm each day.


Want to be on deck in the future to watch meets? Become an official. It’s not hard, you will get really great training and be able to shadow officials until you’re ready to go. ASC needs to add 4 or 5 Stroke & Turn Officials to our roster! Please talk to Coach Mark or Barbara re: the option of becoming a deck official.

    ASC Officials 

  • Laura Robertson

  • Melissa Schad

  • Ignacio Soler

  • Michelle Weyrick

  • Robyn Scarth

  • Jana Dubova  (New, Thank you, for volunteering)

  • Jarek Duba (New, Thank you, for volunteering)

Practices this week - December 5 - 11, 2021

Normal Practice Times This Week But we will email if the weather looks too hazardous to have you driving on the road and to get the kids in the water. We try to send the email to cancel practice by 2 pm on days of foul weather.


Next Meet - December 18, 2021 at ASC/HPA - CLICK 

HERE to read what is posted.  Deadline to have your swimmer participate is December 11, 2021.


Looking Ahead to December and January, HOLIDAY practice schedules.

  • Bronze - Silver - Gold - Last practice will be on Wednesday, December 22, and those groups will resume practicing on January 3, 2022.

  • Senior - Last practice will be on Wednesday, December 22, and resume on Tuesday, December 28, 2021. Times for December 20-21-22 TBD, as well as for Dec 28,29, 30, 31.

No-Cell Phone Policy

  • Parents, thank you for your continued support of our swimmers, but in order to best create a team culture, the coaching staff is asking that swimmers do not use their cell phones on deck, important calls to/from parents are allowed. We would like swimmers to talk to each other, versus looking at their devices.

  •  It is asked that if a swimmer is expecting an important call right before the start of practice, that they alert their coach to the need to take a call. Calls can also be made or taken outside of the pool area. Per USA SWIMMING RULES, cell phones are not allowed in bathrooms or locker rooms.

  • Coaches continue to use their cell phones for work-related (attendance on the OnDeck app, looking up parent phone numbers, looking up swimmer’s best times…).

USA - Swimming/US Center For Safe Sport 

Many families have continued to have their swimmers take the SafeSport course, as well as taking it themselves. The coaching staff thanks you for doing this. Here’s the link to the USA Swimming SafeSport/US Center for Safe Sport.  Keeping our athletes safe is the responsibility of all of us.

All for now,

Coach Mark